Monday, April 22, 2013


It is an absolutely beautiful day in NYC. It could be a tad bit warmer but that's alright. I spent most of my day editing on my soon to be published story, Runaway. Right now I'm just listening to some old stuff and trying to figure out what to do tonight. Honestly I'm listening to the Doobie Brothers, I can't lie. I'm thirty one, I'm Black and I like the Doobie Brothers, sue me. That's what you get when your parents grew up in the sixties and seventies right!!

This weekend was so crazy. I've been watching all of the Boston news and praying for everyone there.  I broke the heel on my shoe when I tripped getting off the bus Saturday. I was eating ice cream and watching Mob Wives last night, I'd only had two spoon fulls when I fell asleep. Needless to say I woke up covered in vanilla Swiss almond. I think I ate a bug when I was walking in my local park and I accidentally tooted on the elevator at my doctors office with a really cute guy standing next to me!!!! I burned my tongue on hot tea this morning and split my pants when I was at the market. One crappy ass weekend down with a crappy start to the week. But on the bright side my birthday and I can just chill out and eat cake.

Enjoy your day guys!!!!!!!!

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